Attn: Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
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Dominate The Top is a shortcut to getting seen online.
Dominate The Top is a book about how every business can show up in the search results by following a set of proven steps.
There are simple things you can do yourself (or with your website developer) that do not require the services of an expensive search engine optimization firm.
If you've ever been frustrated that your website is invisible, lost in the search results, or buried by your competition... This is the book you've been looking for!
If you've ever thought SEO firms take your money month after month and give you nothing in return... This is the book you've been waiting for!
When you give the search engines what they want, you get rewarded with higher ranking positions.
With greater visibility comes more traffic. See how to get searchers to notice your link and click it.
While traffic is good, conversion is better. You will see how to better influence your site visitors.
Learn secrets that put your business in the driver’s seat so your competition wonders how you did it.
Of course you do!
The top spot gets clicked nearly 1/3 of the time. The 10th listing on the page gets only 3% of the visits. And if your business appears on page 2 or after, you are sharing a miserably low percentage of clicks.
Until your business is seen, nothing happens! Dominate The Top is about giving search engines what they want so your site becomes visible in the search results.
Visibility is critical, but it's only step one. Dominate The Top also shows you how to influence searchers so they click your link and take the actions you want them to take once they get to your site.
The goal is both greater traffic volume and more conversion, leading to higher revenue and ultimately more profit for your business. This allows you to control your market and defeat your competition.
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"Jeffrey Kirk has done it again. For years Jeff has been my go-to man when I need advice on SEO or SEM.
Through Dominate The Top, Jeff takes the complex issues small business owners face in competing online, and he navigates us step-by-step to success in greater search engine positioning, getting our websites noticed, and driving the results we want.
If you want to crush your competition and dominate the top... this book is for you."
Bryan-David Scott
Celebrity Coffee Chef
Luxury Coffee Specialist at Cup of Luxury
"What I like best about Jeffrey Kirk, and now his new book, Dominate the Top is how he simplifies the learning and the doing.
Jeffrey’s newest book makes the phrase “how to” really easy. I believe this book is what we all need when it comes to developing our websites, marketing, and being found through the internet.
This is a must read. Use it as a road map in helping you build your online marketing plans."
Larry S Cockerel
National Sales Training Specialist
Author and International Leadership Speaker
Trainer with the John C. Maxwell Team
"Very interesting and informative. Though I am not a website developer, I felt compelled to put all these new discoveries into practice right away.
In this book, Jeffrey Kirk made it all so simple that I felt there was nothing holding me back. Now I can’t wait to get the workbook!"
Mike Theisen
Director of Marketing at Liberty Dance
Center Volunteer Coach/Mentor at SCORE
"So many marketers say "research, research, research." I love that Jeff went a step further by showing how, and in such an easy to understand way. This book is an invaluable resource for businesses that want to have a greater online presence. If you take the time to follow the recommendations presented in this book, expect to see results. Our company’s website traffic has grown by 81.86% in just one month!"
Jenna Dehn
Office Manager and Marketing Support at Armitage Research
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Tempor dolors minim lacusa platea semper intege vertis venena proina lectus ipsume portti sagitt vulput laoret evenie.
Evenie vulput tempor lectus minim venena intege laoret sagitt portti vertis proina lacusa semper ipsume platea dolors.
Minim platea lectus dolors semper intege evenie vertis sagitt ipsume venena laoret tempor vulput lacusa proina portti.
Dolors vulput ipsume lacusa evenie semper proina minim sagitt venena intege portti platea lectus tempor laoret vertis.
Tempor semper evenie ipsume platea proina laoret vulput lacusa lectus minim vertis intege portti dolors venena sagitt.
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